Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek


Forest landscape with castle ruins and resting on path

Material: Oil on canvas/panel
Dimension: 42 x 62 cm
Frame: Yes
Provenance: Germany
Certificate: Yes
Shipping: Worldwide

All Paintings at Davidjan Art Gallery are original and unique works.

The work is currently exhibited at the Koekkoek-Haus Museum in Kleve, Germany


Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek (1807 Middelburg – 1868 Amsterdam)

Forest Landscape with Castle Ruins and Resting on Path

Material: Oil on canvas/panel
Dimension: 42 x 62 cm
Frame: Yes
Provenance: Germany

About the Artist:

Marinus Adrianus was a pupil of his father J.H. Koekkoek. He was originally a house painter and ran a paint supply shop. In 1837 he left for Kleve in Germany to become apprenticed to his brother Barend Cornelis. His broadly arranged landscapes, mainly summer scenes, are open and expansive, the thickets of tress and shrubs less heavy than those in his brother’s work. The small human and animal figures in his landscapes illustrate the romantic notion of the greatness of nature in contrast to the insignificance of man.

The painting Forest landscape with castle ruins and resting on path is currently exhibited at the famous Koekkoek-Haus Museum in Kleve, Germany. The B.C. Koekkoek-Haus is the former home of the Dutch painter Barend Cornelis Koekkoek and his family. The listed building in Kleve at Koekkoekplatz 1, formerly Kavarinerstrasse 33, has been used as a museum since 1960. Until 1997 it served as the museum of the city of Kleve under the name of the Koekkoek Municipal Museum.


Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek stammte aus der holländischen Künstlerfamilie Koekkoek. Er war der zweite Sohn von Johannes Hermanus Koekkoek und Anna van Koolwijk. Seine Brüder waren Barend Cornelis, Johannes und Hermanus Koekkoek der Ältere, seine Schwester war Anna Koekkoek (* 1812). Sein Vater und sein ältester Bruder Barend Cornelis führten ihn in die Kunstmalerei ein.

1836 begann Koekkoek in Amsterdam mit der Malerei. 1837 arbeitete er in Kleve, dann von 1838 bis 1839 in Hilversum, 1840 in Amsterdam, von 1842 bis 1854 wieder Hilversum und von 1854 bis zu seinem Tod 1868 erneut in Amsterdam. Für seine Landschaften gewann er 1847 eine Silbermedaille der The Felix Meritis Foundation (FMF). Er war der Vater von Pieter Hendrik Koekkoek, den er – der Familientradition folgend – in Malerei unterwies.

Einige seiner Arbeiten sind im Rijksmuseum Amsterdam ausgestellt. Unser Gemälde Waldlandschaft mit Burgruine Rastenden auf dem Weg / Landschap met Burchtruine en rustenden op weg ist im bekannten Koekkoek-Haus Museum in Kleve, Deutschland ausgestellt.