Эдвард Ллойд


Норвич-терьер с кроликом

Материал: Холст, Масло
Размер: 50 x 43 см
Рамка: Да
Сертификат: Да
Доставка: По России и СНГ

Все картины художественной галереи Davidjan Art являются оригинальными и уникальными произведениями искусства


Эдвард Ллойд (Британский, 1846 — 1891)

Норвич-терьер с кроликом

Материал: Холст, Масло
Размер: 50 x 43 см
Рамка: Да

О художнике:

Edward Lloyd was an english painter who was born in 1846. Many of his works were auctioned at auction houses. He is well know for his animal paintings. Lloyd had close associations with Ellesmere and the large country estates of Shropshire along the Welsh border. He was known as a competent sporting painter specializing in horses as well as sheep and cattle. His work was often compared to another famous contemporary, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer (1802 – 1873).